Sergey Sannikov

University of Linköping


The recent years have been marked by the growing interest towards the Indo-European аproblem (Prescott & Wahlderhaug 1995; Bågenholm 1999; Welinder 2003) and the issues of аprehistoric migrations (Damm 1991; Larsson 1998; Persson 1999), both being the crucial аquestions of identity in Scandinavian archaeological research. The authors presented different аapproaches to the problem, what may be regarded as a revival after the methodological аuniformity of the 1970-80-s, when лduring a period of approximately 20 years the migration аtheory has been nearly completely expelled out from the Scandinavian archaeological theory╗ а(Bågenholm 1999, S.155).

Present discussions focus the following aspects of the Indo-European problem:

1) The ways of the introduction of Neolithic economy in Scandinavia. The problem is a аdebatable point since 1952, when Johannes Brøndsted correlated the introduction of Neolithic аin Scandinavia with the first wave of the IE migration (See: Nielsen 1997); Latest contributions to the discussion are: (Andersen 1990, 1993; Persson 1999). а

2) The emergence of STR, which has been the crucial point of the IE discussion since аlate 19 th century, when Sophus Müller supposed the intrusive character of Scandinavian аCorded Ware (Muller 1897). Latest contributions: (Kristiansen 1989; Becker 1990; Damm а1991; Prescott & Wahlderhaug 1995; Ebbesen 1997; Sörensen 1997; Bågenholm 1995, а1999). а

3) Relation of STR to GRK and TRB. The problem is a point of discussion since 1974, аwhen Stig Welinder formulated the idea of ethnical dualism under the MN (Welinder 1974). аLatest contributions: (Browall 1991; Olsson 1996; Hallgren 1996, 1997). а

Making a general reflection of the first stage of the Indo-European discussion in аScandinavian research literature (1897-1927), it is possible to state that the main trend of the аresearch has been determined by rather nationalistic approaches of Danish, German and аSwedish scholars. The problem of tracing of the prehistoric migrations, raised in works of аSophus Müller (Muller 1897, 1898), became more and more politically implicated due to the аgrowing German nationalism before the First World War. Though most of the Scandinavian аresearchers (such as S.Muller, K.Stjerna, O.Montelius) initially avoided applying any ethnic designations to the cultural groups of the Neolithic, the term УAryansФ was widely adopted by аnumerous researchers for the explanation of the ethnical processes from the year of 1912 а(Åberg 1912, Muller 1913, Ekholm 1913). However, while German scholars (e.g. Kossinna а1909) tended to locate the homeland in North Continental Europe and Southern Jutland, аSwedish scholars (Åberg 1912, Ekholm 1913) supposed Northern Jutland and Danish Islands аto be the homeland of the Aryans, and Danish scholars regarded Central Europe as the most probable territory of Aryan origin (Muller 1913).

The most explicit political implication of the problem might be revealed from the work of Oscar Montelius (Montelius 1919), in which he аclaims against the ideas of German nationalists, and argues that there has always been a аcultural and, what is more important, ethnic continuity in Scandinavia through the whole time from the Mesolithic until the Iron Age. аThe second stage of the Indo-European research (1927-1936) in Scandinavian аhistoriography might be generally characterized by the growing international influence. As an аimportant factor, which influenced the consideration of the problem to a great extent, should аbe mentioned the works of Gordon Childe (Childe 1926), who introduced a theory of South аRussian origin of Indo-Aryans. This theory has been completely accepted by Carl-Axel аNordman (Nordman 1927), John-Elof Forssander (Forssander 1933), and partly by Johannes аBrøndsted (Brøndsted 1927). It is also rather significant that a number of substantial аresearches on Scandinavian prehistory were published in foreign (English and German) аlanguages, and thus intended for the international reader (Forssander 1933, Nordman 1935). а

During the period of 1938-1955 the most considerable changes in archaeological аinterpretation of prehistory were provoked by the war. It is possible to see how the idea of аAryan invasion has been replaced in research literature by the theory of autochthonous cultural development due to the political conjuncture. Nils Åberg, who was one of the most respectable Swedish archaeologists of his time, and who remains one of the main authorities аamong contemporary apologists of the autochthonous concept of cultural development of аScandinavia, advocated the idea of Nordic origin of the Aryans in his work of 1912. However, аhis position turned to be more moderate after the Second World War, particularly in 1949, аwhen he published his account on the problem of Nordic ethnic prehistory. The author аrestrained his conception within the boundaries of the autochthonous cultural development, аwithout focusing the problem of cultural expansion to the south. Though some of the аresearchers (Glob 1945, Brøndsted 1952) still advocated the migration theory of explanation of the cultural innovations in Neolithic Scandinavia, this approach became more and more аunpopular and undesirable. а

The period of the 1960-70s in Scandinavian archaeological research has been distinctive for the epochal investigations of Mats P.Malmer, and was to a great extent dominated by his аscientific authority. However, it is also important to mention that most of the researchers, who advocated both the migration and complex approach of explanation of cultural changes а(Meinander 1964, Stenberger 1969, Becker 1974), have found substantial arguments against аtheoretical constructions of M.P.Malmer, and the considered period has been marked by the аdebates of a considerable theoretical importance (Welinder 1974, Davidsen 1978, Ebbesen а1982). а

The period of 1980-1989 has been marked by a gradual decline of the migration concept аin Scandinavian research literature, and by a crisis of the Indo-European research as a whole. аIn some cases the cultural diversity of the Neolithic has been even claimed to be a УfictionФ а(Carlsson 1987). Application of post-processual approach was not beneficial for consideration аof prehistoric migrations, since the primary interest of post-processual school is mostly related to the categories of mentality. Christopher Tilley explained cultural changes as an ideological аshift (Tilley 1982, 1988), and Kristina Jennbert Ц as a social and gender issue (Jennbert 1982, а1984). During the considered period not much place has been given to the prehistoric migrations and ethnic processes in research literature. а

The period of 1989-1999 might be treated as a revival of the IE discussion in аScandinavian research literature, connected with a remarkable work of professor Kristian аKristiansen (Kristiansen 1989), dedicated to the problem of prehistoric migrations on the аmaterials of Danish Single Grave and European Corded Ware cultures. The author produced аsubstantial arguments in favour of the migration theory, stressing a remarkable dissimilarity in аthe ideological basis of the two societies, one of them being based upon an ideology of аhierarchy, warfare and mobility, while another one upon a moderate agrarian ideology. It аshould be noticed that this aspect of ideological and social antagonism of SGC and TRB has often been missed by the researchers, who claim in favour of the idea of cultural continuity in аScandinavia. а

As a rather significant event might be regarded the conference, dedicated to the аconsideration of the A-Horizon problem, which took place in Denmark, 1994. The materials аof the conference have proved that rich methodological and theoretical diversity is a new аfactor of the development of Scandinavian archaeological research. а

A remarkable work concerning the IE problem has been published by Gösta Bågenholm а(Bågenholm 1999), who aimed to give a critical survey of the existent theories, which correlate the data of archaeology with the data of historical linguistics. However, arguments аof G.Bågenholm against the concept of УKurganizationФ might easily be refuted. Recent аinvestigations of the researchers from the Baltic states (e.g. Kriiska 2001) have proved that аBaltic Corded Ware is not younger than the Finnish one, but at least synchronous or even older, what makes the constructions of G.Bågenholm to be reversed. а

As further perspective approaches to the Indo-European problem it would be reasonable аto formulate the following ones: а

1) Calibration of C-14 datings from the Corded Ware sites of the Baltic region, Central аEurope, Central Russia. Though it has been claimed that the results from the Eastern Europe аare not presumed to change the constructed patterns (Bågenholm 1999), this statement is most аprobably going to be revised. а

2) Quantitative analysis of the distribution of the finds, related to the European A- horizon of the Corded Ware, construction of regional matrixes. Further typological аsystematization is required, since the uniformed character of the material is debated (Behrens а1997). а

3) Interpretative analysis of the materials from the УmixedФ sites (e.g. Fagervik, аKyrktorp), and culturally split settlements (e.g. Fågelbacken). The interpretation of the аmaterials remains debatable (see: Hallgren 1996, 1997). а

4) Further craniological analysis of the materials from the early STR and TRB cultures. аThe necessity of the analysis of the skeletal remains from the early STR was argued (Becker 1990), however with the notification of absence of sufficient materials. In this regard it is necessary to mention skeletal remains from Bedinge (Swedish-Norwegian STR, See: During а1989), which give essential data for further investigations. а

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© Sergey Sannikov, 2004


List of references:


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